Friday, May 27, 2011

Breaking Out Update

Just updating the blog with what we've been working on. John and I have thrown around a few ideas for various games, and we're probably looking at copying some game out there for our next learning experience. Something simple, probably along the lines of Pacman, Space Invaders, Tetris, etc.

However, we have been working on our 'Breaking Out' project that we began with the tutorial listed on the right side of the page. Where the tutorials left off, bricks did not have collision detection built into them. John and I have been working on figuring out how to make this work as it should. It's not the fact that we have trouble doing collision detection, so much as understanding how to implement it in our current situation.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Allow myself to introduce...myself

Hello! My name is John.

I've had a few years of programming experience, learning most of what I know through classes I took at Western Carolina University. My degree wasn't all about programming so I only learned one language, C#. I used it mainly for business applications - making calculators, forms, linking with databases (eventually using that in websites), etc.

Then my buddy Steven got a job in the IT office that I work in and we started coding together. He's already done a good job summarizing what we've done so far, and we're still figuring out where we'd like to go from here.

Catching up

The following is a brief summary of the work I have done on my own and work that John and I have worked on together.

First off, I worked on some Java and made a "Hello World" program, a simple calculator, and something that took user input and displayed it in a string of text.

From there, I began the Hyperion Project (a text adventure), following the tutorials for C# and XNA. I completed the first phase of the tutorials and had a working 'game' with four rooms, movable objects, a win condition and a lose condition. Using the things set up in the tutorials, a novice like myself could technically take it where I left it and make their own game with as many rooms, items, and win/lose conditions as they wanted.


My name is Stephen and I decided to pick up programming one day.

I started with some simple Youtube videos of Java tutorials, then I moved on to some tutorials at a site called for C#. From there I have viewed various tutorials on C# and XNA, and have programmed a few various things. As of writing this I have been staring at/jumbling together pieces of code for maybe two months. It's just a hobby, so I don't devote a whole lot of time to it.
Edit: Edit: Don't ignore this post